I !(Y@#ÆĆņ߆? @@e@@j@@j@d@@o@i@@`@@e@i@k@[@@j@i@ r@w@u@l@І(@???????????????????????????????????????X@Q@Ά??3 You beated Cortex!.(You beated Cortex, but you are still 2D!3Cortex's 2D tranformer machine doesn't work withoutall the gems and time crystals.(So you have to go and find them and thentransform Crash back to 3D!Press Enter to continue@oikea?҆:5333@ц?1@?Level 17 Generator RoomԆ?ֆ?܆@(X(<wif not sound_isplaying(sNative) { sound_loop(sNative); } global.crash_can_check = true; global.checkpoint = false;?xi@?4xv@?3T@ g@?5@f@?6P@???x,       ????p@`y`y`y`y??M@????$@@x@f@|@@@x@p@.Qz??ކLevel 12 Hog Wild